Culverton Smith

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Poster of Culverton Smith played by Toby Jones (Series 4 of Sherlock)

Culverton Smith is a fictional character, main antagonist of the episode "The Lying Detective" (January, 2017) of the English TV series Sherlock after previously appeared as a cameo in the preceding episode "The Six Thatchers". He was a business and philantropist as well secretly a prolific serial-killer, and the father of Faith Smith.

After Morstan' death, Culverton Smith was targeted by detective consultant Sherlock Holmes, who saw into the businessman benevolent facade. He also worked with Sherlock' sister Eurus Holmes for manipulating the detective. After tried to kill Sherlock when he was hospitalised, the latter managed to trick him into make a confessal and recorded it, causing him to be arrested. Smith then made a long-day confessal to police, happy to see that his role as a serial killer would make him even more famous than before.


Early life

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Targated by Sherlock Holmes

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" Why do I kill? It's not about hatred, or, or revenge. I'm not a dark person. Killing human beings, it just makes me... Ah, incredibly happy. You know, in-in-in films, when you see dead people, pretending to be dead, and it's just living people lying down? Well, that's not what dead people look like. Dead people, look like things. I like to make people into things. Then you can own them.
— Culverton Smith to Sherlock Holmes

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