Vivian Norbury

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" Maybe I can still surprise you.
— Vivian Norbury to Sherlock Holmes

Vivian Norbury is the main antagonist of the episode "The Six Thatchers" (January, 2017) of the English TV series Sherlock. She was the personal secretary of government agent Alicia Smallwood and secretly a spy and traitor inside the britannic government.

Norbury sold government secrets for several reasons, out of jealousy towards field agents and for financial gain. When the ambassador to Tbilisi, who discovered her implication, was taken hostage, Norbury seized the opportunity to warn the hostage-takers; leading the A.G.R.A. team of mercenaries and assassins into a trap and killing most of their members, making her known to the hostage-takers as 'the Englishwoman'. A few years later, however, the surviving former member of the group, Ajay, resurfaced to seek revenge on his former team-mate Morstan, whom he wrongly considered responsible for the betrayal. These actions, despite Ajay's death, led Detective Sherlock Holmes, Morstan's friend, to discover her involvement. During the final battle in London aquarium, and pushed to the limit, Norbury shot Sherlock but mortally wounded Mary instead, putting an end to the A.G.R.A. group once and for all. Norbury was subsequently arrested.


Early life

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Truth revealed

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" No? Same old drudge, day in, day out, never getting out there where all the excitement was. [...] I say jealousy was your motive after all – to prove how good you are... to make up for the inadequacies of your little life.
Sherlock to Norbury

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