Sherlock Holmes

From Sherlock Holmes Encyclopaedia
Revision as of 17:13, 23 June 2023 by Darkrai18 (talk | contribs)

Sherlock Holmes was a londonian private detective, the younger brother of Mycroft Holmes and the best friend of John Watson.


Early life

To be added

The Ricoletti Case

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" I am clever.
— Sherlock to Watson
  • Genius-level intelligence: To be added
" I expected to see you a few days ago about the Manor House case. I thought you might be a little out of your depth there."
"No. I solved it.

— Sherlock and Mycroft
    • Master investigator: To be added
" Murderous jealousy. He’d written a paper for the Royal Astronomical Society on the obliquity of the ecliptic, and then read another that seemed to surpass it."
"I know. I read it."
"Did you understand it?"
"Yes, of course I understood it. It was perfectly simple.

— Sherlock and Mycroft
    • Master scientifist:
" But when it comes to the matter of unarmed combat on the edge of a precipice... you’re going in the water... short-arse.
— Sherlock to Moriarty
  • Expert hand-to-hand fight: To be added


To be added


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