Peter Cushing

From Sherlock Holmes Encyclopedia
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Peter Cushing was a brittanic actor. He played Sherlock Holmes in The Hound of the Baskervilles then the character again in a 1964 TV series.


Peter Cushing, born on May 26, 1913, in Surrey, England, was a renowned English actor who left a significant impact on the worlds of horror and science fiction. He had a long and illustrious career spanning nearly six decades until his passing on August 11, 1994.

Cushing's interest in acting began at an early age, and he made his stage debut in 1935. However, it was in the 1950s that his movie career truly took off. He became famous for his portrayal of the vampire hunter Van Helsing in the Hammer Horror films, reviving the classic horror genre and cementing his status as one of Britain's most beloved horror actors. His notable roles include Dr. Frankenstein in various Frankenstein films and Grand Moff Tarkin in Star Wars.

Outside of his horror and science fiction roles, Cushing also showcased his versatile acting skills in other genres. He played Sherlock Holmes in several movies and appeared in adaptations of Charles Dickens' works, such as Great Expectations and "A Tale of Two Cities". He was known for his ability to bring depth and complexity to his characters, creating memorable performances across a wide range of roles.

While his acting prowess earned him admiration and success, Cushing's personal life was marred by tragedy. His wife, Helen, whom he married in 1943, passed away in 1971. Cushing was devastated by her death, and he often credited his work as a therapeutic way to cope with his grief.

Despite his personal struggles, Cushing remained dedicated to his craft and continued acting until his final years. He was highly respected by fellow actors and directors for his professionalism and commitment to his roles. His attention to detail, intensity, and distinctive voice made him a favorite among fans and critics alike.

Cushing passed away on August 11, 1994, at the age of 81.



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