John Watson (Sherlock)

From Sherlock Holmes Encyclopaedia
Revision as of 14:39, 23 June 2023 by Darkrai18 (talk | contribs)

" Seen a lot of injuries then. Violent deaths."
"Well. Yes."
"Bit of trouble too I bet."
"Of course. Yes. Enough for a lifetime. Far too much."
"Wanna see some more?"
"Oh god yes.

— Watson and Sherlock Holmes [1]

John Watson is a doctor and former military doctor, formed to Barts and who served in Afghanistan defore being discharged due to injury. He was also the widower husband of late Mary Morstan, the father of Rosamund Mary Watson and the best friend of private investigator Sherlock Holmes.


Early life

To be added

The woman in pink

To be added

The bank investigation

To be added

The game

To be added

Confrontation with Irene Adler

To be added

The hounds case

To be added

Losing a friend

To be added


To be added

The return and attentat

To be added


To be added

Realizing the truth

To be added


To be added

Chasing a serial killer

To be added

A family reunion

To be added


To be added


" You're a doctor. In fact, you're an army doctor."
"Any good?"
"Very good.

— Watson and Sherlock [1]
  • Expert doctor: To be added
  • Hand-to-hand fight: To be added


Sherlock Holmes

To be added

Mary Morstan

To be added

Major Sholto

To be added


To be added


To be added


  1. 1.0 1.1 Series 1, episode 1: "A Study in Pink"